ORGANIC essential oil from Lavandula Bohemia

699 Kč
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Due to the great amount of demands, we have finally prepared and are now presenting to you our essential lavender oil for so-called direct aroma therapy. Essential oils are a divine gift from nature, perfect for a pleasant form of therapy for many diseases.


Essential oil has scientifically proven and even miraculous effects, so we recommend reading the results of BIO lavender essential oil in this world-class research.

❖ Relief in depression, insomnia, anxiety, states of sadness or nervous or physical exhaustion.
❖ Reduces fevers and soothes spasms in adults and children.
Calms babies when they massage the arteries on their hands or tummy when gassy.
❖ Also suitable for hydrotherapy - foot and whole body baths.


"Our Blue Gold" as we call it. Gift your loved ones immunity from pure nature, Antioxidants, ATB and antiseptics that will prolong their life, strong nerves and ensure mental and physical hygiene in products with BIO Lavandula bohemia.

Certification: BIO, GEOFOOD, PHARMDATA. FSC certification for 100% compostable packaging.

Developed on the basis of research into biodynamic substances of the Technical University of the Czech Republic. We follow the path of sustainability with love for the planet and respect for people.

Detailed information

Product detailed description


In case of physical and mental exhaustion, combine 5 drops with 1 dl of cold or lukewarm water and drink.  Relief will come within an hour.


Apply 3-5 drops on your wrists and massage in, then 3-5 drops on your fingertips and massage into your temples. The oil will absorb into your skin and eventually combine with your blood flow, sending the product through your entire body.


Aroma therapy, or the sense of smell, is not just about perfuming rooms. It affects a person's behavior and feelings, their performance and energy and the state of their body, mind and soul.
According to substantiated scientific analyses, it increases the probability of an individual's health by 10%. The sense of smell is part of the limbic system and of all the senses it can best be used to support a person's health and natural calmer behavior and feeling.

While participating in aromatherapy we highly reccomend fully relaxing. That means being but not doing anything. You can play a soothing music or simply listen to the nature's sounds. Feel your breath and the movements of your body. Put your feet up and indulge your body, mind and soul in a state of calm and peace for an hour and a half.


Suitable for hydrotherapy - foot and whole body baths. After dripping into your warm bath, aromatherapy takes place through your largest organ - the skin.
Together with the application of drops to the internal arteries on the hands and temples, dynamic aromatherapy occurs, which is currently a phenomenon available in today's difficult times for immediate help with pain, migraines, mental weakness, exhaustion and nervous disorders.


The rarest of rare herbs grow at high altitudes and unique landscapes. In Tibet, the Andes, the Austrian and Swiss Alps. The combination of wind and frost here in the Lavender Valley stresses the BIO lavandula bohemia in winter so much that it subsequently generates a world-exceptional quantity of biodynamic medicinal substances. It also picks up a respectable amount of minerals from the limestone seas from its planting of the three-centimeter herb.

The products with BIO lavandula bohemia that you get to try contain exceptional values ​​of BIO flavonoids, the so-called molecules of life. BIO flavonoids are biodynamic substances contained in many drugs and medicines for autoimmune diseases, chronic diseases, psychological diseases and neurological problems or neuropathogenic changes in the body. Most on the world market are created synthetically. A natural multifunctional complex of bio flavonoids with high effects can only be found in a natural BIO certified herb, i.e. grown without chemicals, ATB and pesticides. Unharvested by machine, i.e. mechanically undamaged. And you now get to try the result of this unique production that was made together with a team of scientists from the VSCHT of the Czech Republic, naturopaths and doctors in the Czech Republic.

BIO Lavandula bohemia and products with its content fulfill all of the above and more. Without parabens, genetically modified organisms, mineral oils, propylene glycol, artificial colors and preservatives, without ingredients of animal origin without any research on animals. All products are grown, processed and packaged sustainably, with 100% compostable or recyclable packaging. We follow the path of sustainability with respect for nature and love for people.

Biodynamic substances and minerals from the limestone seas inside BIO Lavender Chodouňská and the strong wind in the Lavender Valley together with the frost in the winter months stress BIO Lavender Chodouňská and thus create a significant content of antidepressants, antioxidants, antibiotics, antiseptics, minerals and bioflavonoids as well as organic terpenes inside the herb .

The story of the founder Helena Neumannová's Czech herbalism and naturopathy to functional holistic medicine followed a long path. She drew on her 25-year experience in South America among shamans and healers, later also in Africa and Europe. She thus supplemented her education in the field of conventional medicine with naturopathy from other parts of the world.


❖ Regulation of blood pressure

❖ Normal function of the respiratory system                                                                                                        

❖ Natural defense ability - immunity support

❖ Sleep without difficulties, a day without anxiety, depression and stress

❖ Relaxation, relaxation of body and mind

❖ Elimination of free radicals in the body

❖ Protects against heart attacks and supports the cardiovascular system

❖ It supports the microbiome of our second brain, and thus the production of dopamine for cognitive functions (concentration, creativity, controlled thinking, memory), serotonin, the hormone of happiness, and immunity

 ❖Reduces fatigue and exhaustion, brings vitality and energy

❖ Replenishment of the correct level of OMEGA 3,6,9 acids and vitamins and minerals

❖ Detoxifies the organism

❖ Protects DNA from damage

❖ Support for good digestion and bowel function

❖ Smoothes wrinkles and helps rejuvenate the body

❖ Enhances the effect of other natural medicines, food supplements and vitamins



Additional parameters

Category: Oils
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JV Avatar of author | 06/02/2025
velmi příjemný olej, aplikuji pravidelně.
IB Avatar of author | 27/01/2025
Dcera je spokojena,pouziva ho vecer pred spanim i s detmi a opravdu rychleji usinaji a klidne spi.
IF Avatar of author | 05/01/2025
Pomáhá s uklidněním mysli.
RF Avatar of author | 28/12/2024
Mimoriadna spokojnosť,hlavne pri migréne.
JS Avatar of author | 24/12/2024
Jsou to vánoční dárky-nemohu zatím hodnotit.
AS Avatar of author | 23/12/2024
Vynikající, kupuji opakovaně.
AS Avatar of author | 22/12/2024
Výborný produkt, kupuji opakovaně.
HN Avatar of author | 28/11/2024
Zatím to nedokážu říct, jestli opravdu pomáhá, snad časem.
PK Avatar of author | 28/10/2024
S produktem jsem spokojen, krásně mě uvolňuje, cítím se odpočatý a uklidněný. Ideální ještě kombinovat s levandulovým čajem. Děkuji.
MV Avatar of author | 22/10/2024
S produktom som spokojný.Len treba opatrne kvapkať ak ho príliš nakloním kvapky nestíham rátať.
JM Avatar of author | 15/10/2024
Ano, jsem
ZL Avatar of author | 06/10/2024
Je to presne to,čo som očakávala, pomáha. Ďakujem.
EM Avatar of author | 09/09/2024
ZR Avatar of author | 09/09/2024
Dokonalý olejicek 👌
OJ Avatar of author | 27/08/2024
Dokonalost. Opravdu síla, která pomáhá. Aplikuji před spaním i ráno než jdu do práce.
Š Avatar of author | 22/08/2024
Jsem velmi spokojená, je to jediný přírodní léčivý přípravek dosud který mi pomáhá na migrenu a čím déle ho používám, tím lépe mi pomáhá, vtiram si ho na celé čelo, spanky a na zápěstí. Nejlepší je to aplikovat před spaním večer/v noci a pak usnout ale i přes den je potřeba po použití usnout nebo aspoň si lehnout a odpočinout s pro lepší výsledek. Doporučuji nepřestávát i když hned napoprvé se Vám neulevi podle mých zkušeností. Děkuji moc týmu Levandulového údolí za skvělý a kvalitní produkt.
Avatar of author | 06/08/2024
Já levanduli miluji a tento olej patří mezi mé oblíbené.
AH Avatar of author | 22/07/2024
jste nejlepší :)
AL Avatar of author | 15/07/2024
Jsem spokojená.
BS Avatar of author | 18/06/2024
Produkt je báječný, cena vysoká. Vzhledem ke kvalitě a ceně je lahvička obyčejná a kapátko nefunguje po kapkách, ale spíše teče. Škoda. Jsou i lahvičky se skleněným kapátkem. Luxusní obsah by měl mít luxusní obal. Hodně zdaru. Milovnice levandule.

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